Herron Todd White Report: Australian Property Markets Show Mixed Conditions in May 2024

The latest residential property report by Herron Todd White (HTW) provides insights into the performance of Australia’s largest markets, utilizing the Property Clock to gauge current and predicted market conditions. The report paints a broadly optimistic picture while highlighting mixed market dynamics across the country.

According to HTW’s Property Clock, many markets are positioned in the rising quadrant, indicating steady national price growth. Cities such as Brisbane, Adelaide, Sydney, and Melbourne, along with certain Queensland markets, are identified as part of this upward trajectory.

However, the report also identifies markets that are approaching their peak, including Perth houses and units. Conversely, some regions are classified as declining or bottoming out, such as Hobart and various regional areas.

To navigate the property landscape in 2024 effectively, it is crucial for sellers to understand their local market’s performance, assess their property’s value accurately, obtain a market appraisal, and ensure their property is listing-ready.

Article Title: Property Clock: Which markets are rising and falling?
Retrieved from openagent.com.au
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