Queensland Minister Intervenes in Housing Plan Amid Local Opposition

Queensland’s Planning Minister, Meaghan Scanlon, steps in on a controversial development plan aiming to build a million homes in the state over the next two decades. The proposal, centered around repurposing an abandoned golf course on the Gold Coast, faced rejection from the local council.

Scanlon’s intervention highlights a push for social and affordable housing, improved environmental safeguards, and greater housing diversity. Despite opposition from groups advocating for green space preservation, the Minister’s move signals a commitment to efficient land use and community-driven planning.

This intervention isn’t about retreat but rather leveraging new planning powers to foster housing opportunities, all while considering community input. It underscores the government’s stance on responsible development, balancing the need for housing with environmental and community concerns.


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Article Title: Minister plans to intervene on defunct Gold Coast golf course development to encourage affordable housing
Retrieved from abc.net.au

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