Redfern Resident’s Struggle Highlights Public Housing Maintenance Issues

Andrew Grant, a resident of Redfern’s social housing complex, faces a myriad of issues including gas leaks, lack of hot water, malfunctioning lifts, roof leaks, and mold problems. Despite multiple reports, resolutions remain elusive.

The NSW government acknowledges deteriorating response times for maintenance requests in public housing. Concerns arise regarding the backlog of maintenance work, prompting promises to overhaul the system by bringing maintenance services in-house.

Currently reliant on private contractors, the proposed changes aim to streamline processes and enhance oversight. Homes NSW pledges to promptly address maintenance concerns, including resolving Andrew Grant’s hot water issue.

This move signifies a commitment to improving living conditions for public housing residents. It reflects efforts to address systemic issues and ensure timely maintenance services for those in need.


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Article Title: NSW social housing residents say maintenance requests slipping through the cracks
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