NSW Government Sets Ambitious Housing Targets for 2029

The New South Wales government has unveiled revised housing targets, with plans to construct 377,000 new well-located homes by 2029.

The initiative aims to rebalance housing growth from west to east Sydney, prioritizing low-to-mid-rise developments near transport hubs. Under the new targets, Eastern Sydney will see a significant increase, with some areas set to double or even quadruple their original goals.

With 82% of the targets allocated to infill areas and 18% to greenfield locations, the plan also includes financial incentives. Councils meeting or surpassing these targets stand to benefit from $200 million in grants.

While the ambitious goal signals progress, concerns have been raised regarding infrastructure capacity and the availability of construction workers to support such rapid development.


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Article Title: Parts of Sydney to build thousands more new homes as part of NSW government’s revised housing target
Retrieved from abc.net.au
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