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Talk to the team at Fetched! Get your unfair advantage!

Buyers Agents

Buyers Agents all
across Australia

Sellers have agents, what about the buyers? At Fetched, we level the playing field and give you an unfair advantage when it comes to buying residential property anywhere in Australia. 

Save the hassle and
all the unnecessary time

Fetched can save you a massive amount of time by handling the property search, inspections, and negotiations on your behalf, including hunting down off-market listings.

melbourne buyers agents

We negotiate on your behalf.

At Fetched, our local insight informs our negotiation with sellers and their agents. Put bluntly, we know if you're being over charged for a property and can do the pushing back!

perth buyers agents

Local market knowledge that you don't have.

At Fetched, our buyers agents have in-depth knowledge of the local property market, including current trends, prices, and potential growth areas.

sydney buyers agents

At Fetched our Buyers Agents work for you

Our buyers agents work solely for you, providing unbiased and objective advice based on your specific needs and goals. We also help you avoid making emotional decisions and ensure you stay focused on finding the right property at the right price.

The Fetched Difference

Who Fetched Helps

At Fetched, we help a broad range of people who are wanting to both buy well and without all the stress and strain. 


Our property acquisitions consistently outperform the average capital growth rate in Australia. We specialise in procuring properties for individuals who may not have the time, expertise, or insights needed to secure high-performing investment assets in growth areas.

Home Buyers

We utilize our extensive networks to access exclusive off-market opportunities and know what it takes to have your offer accepted in  a competitive market without overpaying. We assist first-time homebuyers, those looking to upgrade or downsize, and international buyers.

Property Management

Simplify and enhance your leasing and property management experience. We assist you in maximising your returns and provide peace of mind by ensuring your asset is well-managed.

Australia Buyers Agents

Get a completely unfair advantage when buying property anywhere in Australia

Property sellers have agents acting in their best interests. What about the buyers? Fetched, changes all that. 

Get started with our Buyers Agents

When you work with Fetched, you gain access to our extensive industry network, off-market opportunities, and unparalleled market insights. 

Get a quote

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.

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    Buying property shouldn't be as stressful as it is. Sellers have agents, level the playing field with us. 

    Ryan Andrews

    Get an Unfair Advantage

    Tired of the stress and uncertainty that comes with buying a property? Meet Fetched, Australia's leading buyers agency.

    Exceptional 4.8 rating

    Fetched helped us find our dream home off-market, and their expert guidance and support throughout the process were invaluable

    Claudia Stewart Gold Coast

    As a busy physiotherapist, I didn't have time to navigate the property market on my own, but Fetched made it easy and stress-free

    Michael Davis Sydney

    The team at Fetched went above and beyond to understand our unique needs and find the perfect investment property for our portfolio.

    Trent Anderson Toowoomba

    Fetched's market knowledge and strategic approach to negotiation helped us secure our ideal property at a great price.

    Paige Lowery Adelaide

    Fetched's exceptional service, expertise, and dedication to their clients are unmatched in the industry.

    Sunshine Coast Buyers Agents
    Brian Wright Caloundra
    Insights and assistance

    Frequently asked questions about our Buyers Agents

    Find answers to common questions and gain valuable insights into how Fetched works! 

    At Fetched, we differentiate ourselves through our extensive industry network, exclusive access to off-market opportunities, and our tailored, client-centric approach. Our team of expert Buyers Agents is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and aspirations, and we go above and beyond to help you find and secure your perfect property with ease and confidence.

    Fetched takes a comprehensive approach to helping you find your dream property. We start by having a detailed consultation to understand your specific requirements and preferences. Then, we leverage our extensive network and databases to search for properties that match your criteria, including off-market opportunities. We conduct thorough due diligence and property evaluations on your behalf, and present you with a curated shortlist of the most suitable properties for your consideration.

    Fetched can help you find a wide range of properties, including residential homes, apartments, townhouses, land, and investment properties. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or looking for a strategic addition to your portfolio, our team has the expertise and market knowledge to help you find the perfect property.

    The process of working with Fetched is simple and straightforward. It starts with a detailed consultation to understand your needs and aspirations. From there, we conduct a comprehensive property search, shortlist suitable properties, and provide you with detailed reports and insights. Once you've identified your desired property, we guide you through the negotiation and bidding process, ensuring you secure it with ease and confidence.

    Fetched's expert Buyers Agents are skilled negotiators and experienced auction bidders. We provide strategic advice and represent you in negotiations and auctions to ensure you secure your desired property at the best possible price and terms. Our goal is to remove the stress and emotion from the process, allowing you to make clear-headed decisions with confidence.

    Fetched's team has a deep understanding of local property markets across Australia. We stay up to date with the latest trends, opportunities, and challenges, and provide our clients with valuable market insights and analysis. Our extensive industry network and access to off-market opportunities give us a competitive edge in helping our clients make informed decisions.

    Working with a buyers agent can be beneficial for anyone looking to save time, reduce stress, and make informed property decisions. If you're unsure about the process, lack market knowledge, or simply want expert guidance and support, partnering with Fetched can provide you with the confidence and peace of mind you need to achieve your property goals.

    Fetched offers a range of service packages tailored to suit different needs and budgets. Our fees are competitive and transparent, and we believe in providing exceptional value for our clients. The cost of working with Fetched can vary depending on the level of service and support you require, but we always strive to deliver outstanding results that justify your investment in our expertise.

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    At Fetched, we're your Buyers Agents across Australia. 

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